Memory Loss and Forgetfulness

Many conditions – not just Alzheimer’s disease – can cause memory loss in older adults. Early diagnosis and proper care are important to know What Causes Memory Loss and Forgetfulness.

Everyone forgets things many times. How many times have you incorrectly placed your car keys or forgotten the name of the person you just met.?

Some degree of memory problems, as well as a slight decline in other thinking skills, is a normal part of aging. However, there is a difference between normal changes in memory and memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. And some memory problems are the result of treatable conditions..

If you are having memory problems, talk to your doctor to get the diagnosis and proper care.

Memory loss and aging

Memory loss related to normal age does not prevent you from living a full, productive life. For example, you can sometimes forget a person’s name but remember it later in the day. You can sometimes get your glasses wrong Or maybe you need to make lists more often than in the past to remember appointments or tasks.

These changes in memory are generally manageable and do not impede your ability to work, live independently or maintain a social life.

Memory loss and dementia

The term “dementia” is an umbrella term used to describe a set of symptoms, including loss of memory, logic, judgment, language, and other thinking skills. Dementia usually begins slowly, worsens over time, and affects a person’s abilities in work, social relationships, and relationships.

Often, memory loss that disrupts your life is one of the first or more recognizable signs of dementia. Other early signs may include:

  • Asking the same question again and again.
  • Forget common words while speaking.
  • Combining words – for example saying “bed” instead of “table”.
  • Taking more time to complete familiar tasks, following a recipe.
  • Wrongly placing items in inappropriate locations, such as putting a wallet in a kitchen drawer.
  • Lost while walking or driving in a familiar area.
  • Changes in mood or behavior for no apparent reason.

Diseases that cause progressive damage to the brain – and result in dementia – include:

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia

  • Vascular dementia.
  • Frontotemporal dementia.
  • Levi Body Dementia.
  • The disease process (pathology) of each of these conditions varies somewhat. 
  • Memory loss is not always the first sign, and the type of memory problems varies. 
  • It is also possible to have more than one type of dementia known as mixed dementia.

Mild cognitive impairment

This includes a significant decline in at least one area of thinking skills, such as memory, which exceeds aging changes and is less than dementia. Having mild cognitive impairment does not prevent you from performing everyday tasks and being socially engaged.

Researchers and physicians are still learning about mild cognitive impairment. For many people, the condition eventually leads to dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease or another disorder caused by dementia.

Memory loss of other people does not progress much, and they do not develop the spectrum of symptoms associated with dementia.

Reversible causes of memory loss

Many medical problems can cause symptoms such as memory loss or other dementia. Most of these conditions can be treated.. Your doctor may screen you for conditions that cause reversible memory loss.

If you notice any Signs of Alzheimer’s in yourself or someone you know, don’t ignore them. Schedule an appointment with Genesis Diagnostics.

With early recognition, you can explore treatments that may provide some comfort of symptoms and help you maintain a level of independence longer.


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